press information #1: „ORA“ network was officially established

17.7.2014, Banja Luka

„ORA“ network was officially established on 16th and 17th July 2014. Representatives of 15 partner organisations, from different parts of Europe, have adopted and signed the network Statutes.

ORA is acronym for „Observe Rethink Act“. Network is organising and developing projects with objectives to promote sustainability trough inclusion.

ORA idea was developed back in 2009., and as from then, 32 partner organisations have cooperated trough 16 projects directed on building processes, development of methodologies and providing support for young people to become active citizens. In 2013 we have decided to formalise this cooperation and establish the network made of our associations.

In February 2014, we have developed the structure and contents of the network. During our meeting in Banja Luka, we have officially signed the documents for participation in the network.

In following period we will continue to work on establishment of internal and democratic life within the network, building the public relations, but mostly on development of future projects.

Meetings in Banja Luka and Oybin, during which the network was established have been supported trough „Youth in action“ programme of the European Union.  

Information and invitation for press conference

10.7.2014, Banja Luka

Associations „Zdravo da ste“ and „Centar za životnu sredinu“, from Banja Luka, are informing you and inviting you to attend the presentation of the European network „ORA“ (Observe-Rethink-Act), which will, on 17th of July 2014, in Zdravo da ste Youth centre, present itself and its future activities.

In 2009, several European organisations has initiated dynamic educational process called ORA (Observe Rethink Act). This process gathered youth centres, natures parks, NGOs working in the field of environment protection, associations for social promotion, collectives, art groups, organisations for promotion of culture and eco-centres, to expand the field of possibilities for social, cultural, ecological and economical participation of young people in community.

Concept of ORA process is providing young people with opportunities to observe their context (at local and international level), to think about their role in it (individually and as a part of society)and to act as responsible citizens, and by doing that to strengthen their community.

Participation in this process has improved and increased efficiency and quality of activities at the local level with all involved partners. Trough combination of different methods of non-formal education and several elements in relation to sustainable development, ORA process has produced positive results on local levels and encouraged better engagement of young people from all partner organisations.

With the objective to strengthen the links between partners and make them sustainable for a long-term period, we have decided to establish the common platform and establish and international network which will gather organisations from different European countries. This network will continue to work together in the future, to plan joint initiatives, coordinate activities and design future projects within ORA process.

Vision of ORA is to create inclusive and participative society without discrimination, where people achieve their full potentials in harmony with their environment. Basic values for which the networks stands are solidarity, cooperation, equal opportunities, intercultural understanding and respect.

On the above date, 14 organisations from BiH, Serbia, Italy, Albania, Romania, Belgium, Germany and.. will sign the establishing paper and present itself to the public, colleges form other organisations and institutions and friends.


ORA network
Stendaler Straße 43
12627 Berlin